Just a list of questions that I am finding out about the gap between Rich and Poor:

What is the Rich and Poor gap? The Rich and Poor gap is the economic inequality (also known as the gap between rich and poor, income inequality, wealth disparity, or wealth and income differences) which consists of disparities in the distribution of wealth (accumulated assets) and income.

Where is the Rich and Poor gap? I was watching the news a few days ago and they were talking about how New Zealand has the biggest gap between rich and poor, in the world! It just made me think about how important this Inquiry is.

Why is the Rich and Poor gap growing? The reason the Rich and Poor gap is growing is because, the minimum wage is $14.75(an hour), where the CEO of The Warehouse gets $1,995,000(a year) or $685(an hour).

What is being done to close the Rich and Poor gap? There are a number of things being done to help close the gap, but the solution could be to raise the minimum wage. Although this may sound like a good idea, it could cause some people to lose their jobs. Some business owners wouldn't be able to afford the new minimum wage.

Where is the Rich and Poor gap? One place you can clearly see the rich and poor gap or, "the gap", is on Oxford Terrace. At one end it has houses that look something like this. (A sub divided house)


And on the other end houses like this. Sometimes these houses are right next door to each other.

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